Welcome to repeat.dev beta

A platform for webhooks & scheduled tasks
Most developers need to build a simple custom webhook or repeat something on schedule (for example, every minute/hour) at some point. It could be a webhook ingesting data from 3rd party APIs or a scheduled task to fetch and save/send aggregated data elsewhere.
There are plenty of "serverless functions" options to cover these simple needs, such as Cloudflare Workers, GCP Functions/Cloud Run, AWS Lambda, and many others. However, they are not straightforward to build, ship, and automate simple tasks quickly. Developers often struggle when it comes to how to configure, debug, log, or get metrics out of their serverless jobs.
This is where repeat.dev comes in - with all the dots connected for developers, including logging, tracing, storage, or even metrics ingestion out of the box.
So, repeat.dev is ideal for building simple webhooks and scheduled tasks. Getting started is as easy as clicking the following links:
https://repeat.new/hook - webhook template
https://repeat.new/cron - cronjob template
Features baked in
A simple yet powerful editor
Developers have everything they need in a web-based editor - allowing them to code from any device, anywhere.

Multiple events
Currently, developers can create the following events to trigger their repeat.dev scripts
- HTTP webhooks - customizable HTTP URL
- CRON schedules - defined schedule (any CRON schedule)
- Emails - a unique email address you can send emails to and trigger the repeat.dev script
Most importantly, you can combine any of these. Developers can use the CRON schedule to aggregate data, save results into KV storage, and then read and serve the outcome from a webhook handler.

repeat.dev editor comes with batteries included - TypeScript, which provides autocomplete/suggestions. Developers always know what variables they have configured for their repeat.dev scripts.

Suggestions are also handy when using any of the internal functions, for example, when writing metrics using env.metrics.write()

Logs & Tracing
Logs are superpowers - it is much easier to debug anything when developers know what is going on exactly. repeat.dev keeps track of all internal functions used, including console.log()
- auto JSON formatting included. All logs are stored for some time, allowing developers to come back and check past errors.

Need to see exception details or webhook response status code? They are included in the logs as well.

KV storage
Automation tasks are often not stateless - they need to store state. In repeat.dev, developers can use key-value storage out of the box; reading/writing is just a matter of using internal env.kv

Then, the dashboard Storage UI helps developers to see all their keys and allows them to search, view or edit data quickly.

Another powerful feature of repeat.dev is metrics - developers need to write metrics from the code using env.metrics.write(name, value)
helper function. The repeat.dev platform will magically visualize all metrics in graphs - no configuration required.

We plan to implement simple ways to embed metrics graphs on your websites or build your internal dashboards - stay tuned. 👀
repeat.new templates
A list of one-click shortcuts to create repeat.dev scripts in seconds. There are just a few right now, but the list will grow soon!
- https://repeat.new - defaults to webhook
- https://repeat.new/hook - webhook
- https://repeat.new/cron - cron schedule
- https://repeat.new/cloudflare-audit-logs - cron schedule to keep track of Cloudflare audit logs
- https://repeat.new/honojs - honojs router
You can find all the templates in this GitHub repository.
Pricing update
To ensure developers plan accordingly, we want to be transparent with the planned pricing. There are no limits in the current beta, and we will start limiting and charging repeat.dev platform users in the upcoming weeks/months.
Free tier? Yes. About 10k repeat.dev requests per month will be completely free, with a daily limit of 600 requests.
No paid plans are in place yet. The goal is to charge about $1 for 10k valid repeat.dev requests ($0.0001/request). The repeat.dev platform would not bill any requests resulting in 401 or 403 status codes unless the repeat.dev request did something other than just authentication.
Next steps
There is plenty of work and exciting upcoming features ahead; the main ones are
- Documentation - most requested/needed to help developers discover all the possibilities.
- Storage editor improvements - including simple JSON editor, getting signed URLs, search and bulk operations.
- Landing page - design is in progress, and we will hopefully have something to share in 2-3 weeks.
- Templates - more of them!
- Embeddable metrics/internal dashboards
- User management - invite & collaborate with others
- Custom domains - configure webhooks URLs on a user-provided domain
Get started for free
During the beta, everyone can use all repeat.dev features free of charge. So do not hesitate, sign up and start coding!
Let us know what you built on Twitter, or join our Discord server! Happy repeating!